Philip C. Sedgwick ~ Screenwriter

El Burrito Cowboy Saves Douglas, Arizona














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El Burrito Cowboy Saves Douglas, Arizona

Premiere in the historic Gadsden Hotel

Ready for the People

Empty Seats Soon to be Filled

El Burrito Cowboy Screens in Premiere

EBC Team (L-R) Julio H. Garcia, Ted Falagan, Lesley Lillywhite,
Philip C. Sedgwick, El Burrito Cowboy, Alfonso Sagahan Casaus, Fausto Olmos

Alfonso Sagahan Casaus, Lesley Lillywhite, Philip C. Sedgwick

Lesley Lillywhite, Philip C. Sedgwick with the Dude ~ El Burrito Cowboy


On Location

Our film is set around the historic Gadsden Hotel

Grand Theater

And the Historic Grand Theater

Grand Theater's CU

The Grand Has a Close-Up

Tor the Terrible

Tor the Terrible

Checking the Take

Checking the Take

Tor and Hank Rehearse

Tor and Hank Go Over Sides

Hank and Tor Bone Up

Tor Gives Hank “the Look”

Tor Emerges

Tor Emerges

Get the Point!

The Point Is...

Live on Facebook

On Facebook Live

Straight Shooting

Straight Shooter ~ the Director, Alfonso Sahagun Casaus

Right Foot

You Put Your Right Foot In... You Put...

Surprise Me

Surprise Me!

That Way

That Went That-A-Way!

Tors Ride

Tor's Ride


Look! Up in the Sky!

Thats the Shot

Now, that's a shot!


Totally Dapper!